Fundamental of Deep Frying Techniques

 Deep frying is a dry heat medium of food coking in which food in an amount of fat or oil sufficient to cover it completely is known as deep frying.

1. Best Oil for Deep Frying

The deep frying oil temperature range between 160 - 190℃, However, the range of temperature is depends on the size, quantity and types of food.  The best temperature of deep fryer is between 350 - 375℉ ( 176 - 190℃ ) so, the smoking temperature of oil that are used for deep frying food should be higher than 375℉ (190℃ ).  High smoking point oils are best for deep frying such as sunflower oil, canola oil, peanut oil, sesame oil and avocado oil. These oils have a higher smoking points ( 400℉ and higher ) which means these oil are better suited for cooking at high temperature and high smoking point oil gives an oil a wide range of uses and can be reuse couple of times of deep frying. The important note is that when oil is reheated every time, the smoking point of the oils will also get lower each time.

2. Chart of Smoking Point of oils 

3. Deep Frying food Time and Temperature

4. Rules of Deep frying Food

  1. Don't let the oil in too high temperature above 205℃. Always keep the temperature of oil between 150-205℃. When the oil is too high in temperature, rapid burning of food and food particles, undercooked interior, more oil is absorption and  oil break down fast may occurs.
  2. Don't over crowd the frying pot or basket with foods which can causes under cooking, uneven cooking and overflow of the oil.
  3. Make sure battered and breaded food items are free from excess coating.
  4. Blanch the food that contains high moisture and take long cooking at a lower temperature first and crisp in a high temperature to finish such as French fries.
  5. Avoiding heating the oil to the excess temperature ( the ideal temperature is between 150℃ - 205℃ ).
  6. Skim out any particles left behind between basket.

5. Techniques of Deep Frying Foods

All kinds o deep frying foods are fried at the temperature between 160 - 190℃, which is depend on the types and size of foods. There is the techniques of deep frying some certain food items.

1. French Fries

While deep frying French fries, apply double fry method to make crispy exterior and fluffy soft texture in interior. Frist fry the French fries at a lower temperature to make the interior texture soft like a baked potatoes and then second time fry at a high temperature to crisp the exterior. The normal temperature of deep fryer is 160 -190℃. The low temperature is considered 160 - 170℃ and the high temperature is considered 180-190℃.vIn the first frying, chip cook in a low temperature because the outside of the chips will not burn before the interior is cooked and it soften the potatoes and prepare the starchy surface for the second frying's crispification. The first frying should me 3 minutes and the second will not more than 5 minutes , However it is depend on the quantity of the foods.

6. Health Issue from Oil Smoking

When oil start to smoke, it undergoes a chemical change that not only affect the nutritional value and quality of the food cooked in it, but also affect the flavor of the oil. This is due to free fatty acids breakdown at this temperature and producing free radicals and harmful compound through a process called oxidation.

Repeatedly reusing of same oil has been found to lead to the releasing of free radicals. The free radicals can lead to inflammation, cancer and heart disease. Reuse of oil can also lead to atherosclerosis ( atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ) due to building up of fats, bad cholesterol and other substance in and on the artery walls.

7. How to know oil is not reusable

Oil that are not reusable and gone bad will be looked darker than usual and has bad, soapy, fishy and chemical smell and foam occurs on the surface of oil when it is hot. This oil is unable to reach at frying temperature without smoking point. The important note oil should be change after 8 - 10 uses, but it can be varied home kitchen to commercial kitchen.

8. How to check the temperature of oil

Thermometer, wooden and bread method of checking the temperature of oil. The simple and easiest method of checking oil temperature from thermometer. Wooden handle method, place the handle of a wooden spoon in oil. The oil is ready when bubble start to appears around the tips of the handle. However, this method is not good because kitchen is a busy place ,  moisture can be in the handle, we need completely dried wooden spoon. The best method of checking oil temperature is bread method after thermometer. Add a cube of bread in a hot oil.  It will turn golden in 30 - 35 sec at 160℃, 15 sec at 180℃ and 10 sec at 190℃.

9. If the fryer oil foams when deep frying, is it still good to use

Foaming is common in frying. oil is liquid, it is dry-heat medium of cooking. There is no any moisture in oil. There are two reason of creating foam in the oil. one is due to moisture and high moisture in the food and an another reason is due to repeatedly usage of oil. 

The first reason ! When food is dropped in the hot oil, the moisture contains in the food rises to the surface of oil to evaporate. This causes the bubbling and foaming of oil. The starch and impurities of food may also create a foams on the surface of the oil. However, it is safe and no any affects in the quality of food and also no harmful.

An another reason of foaming and bubbling is due to repeatedly reusing of oil. It is a indication that the oil has been used many times and need to be filtered, recycled or exchange with new oil.

10. What happened if oil is too hot and too low while deep frying.

The meal will begin to absorb the oil if the temperature is still too low, becoming soggy and excessively oily. The food will also burn on the exterior but not fully cook within if the oil is too hot. Before frying, you must closely check the oil's temperature to prevent either scenario.

If the temperature of deep frying oil is too low, the food start to absorb the oil and becoming soggy and excessively oil. If the temperature of the deep frying oil is too high, The outside of food will burn without being fully cooked inside the food. To avoid this both situation, Monitor the temperature of the oil.

10. What are the fundamental reason of deep fried foods get soggy and greasy.

When deep fried food come out soggy and greasy - It means oil was not hot enough. When deep fried food come out crispy, but also greasy - It means food was fried to long. When food come out burnt - It means oil was too hot and | or food was allowed to fry too long.

11. Neutral and Non-Neutral Oil

Neutral oils are that oil which has very little, or no flavors is known as neutral oil. It doesn’t add of its own flavor to the dish. Neutral oils are the refined oil. These kinds of oil can be extracted chemically using solvents or mechanically by pressing expellers. After that, this oil is refined with chemicals and high temperature, which creates stable shelf life of oil, uniform color, neutral and high smoke point.  Neutral Oil are always labelled as refined oil. Neutral Oils are made from nuts, grains, seeds, and fruits such as corn, canola (obtained from rapeseeds), avocado, grapeseed, sunflower, safflower, peanuts, and vegetables (a blend | mixture that may include corn, canola, soybean, and sunflower). Neutral oil has a high smoking point | High oil burning point. It is best to use for deep frying, shallow frying, baking, stir frying.

Non-Neutral oil are that oil which has its own flavor. This oil is unrefined or less refined, which allows them to retain their unique flavor and characterizes. Non-Neutral oi is unrefined or less refined oil which has their own flavor. Non-Neutral oil are always labelled as unrefined, cold press, raw, virgin, and extra virgin oil. Non-Neutral oils are virgin and extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil and walnut.

12. Saturated and Unsaturated Oil
Saturated fat are found in animals based food such as chicken, beef, cheese, ice-ream, milk, yoghurt, butter, ghee, lard and tallow. There are fe
w plant foods which are also high in saturated fats such as coconut milk, coconut cream, palm oil and palm kernel oil and cocoa butter. Saturated fat are considered to be unhealthy fat, it consuming too much saturated fat can cause cholesterol. A cholesterol is a waxy, fat like substance that's found in all the cells in your body. our body needs some cholesterol to make vitamin D, hormones and substance that helps in food digestion. However taking too much cholesterol can cause to build up in our arteries (blood vessels). It combine with other substance in blood vessel to from plaque (fatty deposits). This plaque may not create any problem for a year, but over the time, this plaque gradually get bigger and bigger with in our arteries and narrow or completely block the arteries (blood vessels) and cause problem throughout our body of getting heart disease, stroke and other health issue.   Saturated fat rise the level of LDL (Bad) cholesterol. High LDL cholesterol increase the risk of health problems.

Unsaturated fat are found in plant based food | food from plants such has vegetable oils, nuts and seeds. Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature. The example of unsaturated fat are sunflower oil canola oil, olive oil, avocado, peanut, sesame oil. unsaturated fat are considered to be healthy fat because it helps to lower the bad (LDL) cholesterol level and help in maintaining and improving the overall health of cells.

13. Deep Frying Safety Rules
  1. Slippery Surface area of deep frying section due to splitting or mishandling can causse dangerous physical accident. To avoid this circumstance sprinkle the salt on the slippery floor which cut down the slippery texture to the large extent.
  2. Always use tong and hand towel while working in the frying section which is most common tools of fryer chef. 
  3. Deep fried food should be fry until nice golden color, Now it's time to check if the internal temperature of the food is at safe range 62 to 65 or more. Sometimes letting the product rest after frying will bring the residual heat to the safe temperature. The important note is that if the product is thick, you may need to finish it in the oven at 160-165 until achieve the safe temperature  62 to 65 or more (The foods should not be burnt or too dark).
14. Food stick while Deep Frying
Some times fry large amount of food at once in a oil cause of food sticking to each other, so always try to deep fry the food in a small amount so as food can play with hot oil evenly. However, if food stick to each other what can you do, the best idea is to use a tong and shake the food from the tong by light hand and carefully just like seen in the picture, Don't take out the basket from the fryer, do inside the oil.

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Content Writer : Chef BBS


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