Penna Cotta Dessert Recipe - Taste of Italy

Penna Cotta is an Italian creamy, jiggly and delicate Dessert, Its translated name is ' cooked cream '. Penna cotta is made from Three basic ingredients such as Cream, Sugar and Gelatins. The flavor essence is used to add flavor in the panna cotta such as vanilla pods or essence.

  1. Full cream Milk        500 ml
  2. Gelatin Powder         1% of total grams of Liquid
  3. Sugar                         100 grams
  4. Milk                           50 ml (To dissolve the gelatin)
Method of Preparation
  1. Add gelatin into the cold milk and keep it for 10 minutes to dissolve properly and keep it aside.
  2. Add full cream milk and sugar into the pot and bring it to the bubbling stage in a medium to low heat and keep stirring to avoid burning. When bubble occurs, take the pot off from the stove and add gelatin mixture into the cream and keep stirring until all the gelatins mix completely into the cream.
  3. pour into the serving glass or mold. If you are using the mold, you a rubber mold and plastic so as it is easy to take out during platting. Don't forget to spray neutral oil into the mold.
  4. Refrigerate for 3 Hours before serving.
Culinarian Notes
  1. 0.6% percent is the low and 1.7% is the high ratio of gelatin and liquid. 1000 gm liquid of 0.6%. It means 6 grams of gelatin powder.
  2. Make sure that gelatin is completely dissolved into the milk before adding into the cream. Gelatin is insoluble in cold liquids, It is only dissolve completely in warm liquid, at the temperature between 35-40℃. At this temperature gelatin dissolve and allowing to absorb liquid quickly and also avoid the risk of occurring lumps. Don't go over 50℃ because gelatin may lose its thickening prosperities, when you bring it to boil. As result the panna cot never set even after refrigerating many hours.
  3. The combination of panna cotta and fruits is amazing. It is perfectly paired with fruits. However, there are some fruits which are rich in bromelain ( which is called fruits enzymes) such as kiwi and pineapple are not good with the gelatin based desserts. The reason is that gelatins is a protein made from collagen, when bromelain and gelatin meet, the enzymes breaking down the protein into basic amnio acid, which is basically, good for tendering meat, but not ideal for gelatin because it slow down the processing of setting gelatin into a smooth, solid panna cotta. As a result the final desserts will not smooth, creamy and jiggly texture. However, thee is some culinarian tips to avoid this problem is that always heat the bromelain rich fruits before using with gelatin base desserts, heating process inactive the enzymes or use canned fruits which are already heated during the canning process.
  4. The high fat content milk and cream is ideal for making smooth, solid, creamy and jiggly texture panna cotta. Panna cotta can be also made with milk, butter milk, low fat milk and non-dairy products such as soy milk, coconut milk and cream, almond milk and hazelnuts milk. The main things keep in mind is that if you are using low fat content products or low fat milk, you need to increase the amount of gelatin to set the panna cotta properly, However cream give you best result.
  5. Simmer, don't boil the dairy based products. Always go slow and low when heating cream and milk to avoid separation (cuddling). The most important point is that gelatin may lose its thickening prosperities, when you bring it to boil. As result the panna cot never set even after refrigerating many hours.
2 teaspoon gelatin powder is equal to 1 leaf titanium gelatin | 3 leaves gold gelatin.

Gelatin made desserts can be store in the cold room for 3 to 4 days. It will start to develop the rubbery texture with the passing of time.

Slice of fruits, berries and nuts can be used to garnish panna cotta.

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Content Writer : Chef BBS


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