''Lukewarm Vs. Warm Vs. Blood Hot Vs. Piping Hot | Understanding the Key Differences''

The culinarian words tepid, lukewarm, warm, blood hot, hot and piping Hot is defined the hotness of liquid in cooking. The basic and useful words.

1. Tepid
The temperature of liquid is generally between 15.555 to 35℃ [ 60 to 95℉ ]. It is also called slightly warm.

2. Warm
The temperature of liquid is generally between 32 to 43℃ [ 90 to 110℉ ]. When you drop warm water onto your skin, if feel warmer than your body temperature, but not hot to burn your skin.

3. Lukewarm
The temperature of liquid is generally between 36.5 to 40.5℃ [ 98 to 105℉ ]. When you drop warm water onto your skin, if feel warmer than your body temperature, but not hot to burn your skin. The word warm and Lukewarm is often interchangeable because of almost same range of temperature between them.

4. Blood Hot
The temperature of the liquid or foods should be at body temperature. The average normal body temperature is generally 37℃.

5. Hot Liquid
The temperature of liquid is generally between 54℃ or above.

6. Piping Hot
Piping hot liquid means very hot to see steam coming from the liquid. It is also called boiling hot and steaming hot. The temperature for piping hot liquid is 100℃ or above. For piping hot means food that much hot that it makes a hissing sound.

How to Calculate Fahrenheit and Celsius
Celsius = 5/9 x (F-32)
Fahrenheit = 9/5 x C + 32

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