Step-by-Step Guide to Perfect Sunny Side Up Eggs

Sunny side up is a fried egg which is fried only on one side, It doesn't flip over. The white part of egg is completely cook and the yolk parts should be still raw (runny from inside) and translucent from the outside. Translucent from the outside means, egg yolk should not be cover with the white layer of egg or anything during cooking, it should looks nice yellowish like a sun.

Culinarian Techniques
There are the techniques and some important notes which must be kept in mind while making sunny side up to get perfect result.

1. The white part is completely cook and the yolk part should be still runny when cut with knife, your yolk should be translucent, not cover with white layer during making sunny side up.

2. How to find out you sunny side up is ready, some times your white part of egg is cooked and egg yolk is runny, but how to know that this sunny side up egg is ready to serve, To know that , first look your white part , It should be completely cook and egg yolk must be warm when you touch with your finger, if the egg yolk is still cold, you need to fry the egg until the yolk part is warm.

3. Egg should be in the room temperature before making the fried egg. The cold egg change the temperature of cooking and can be ruin the physical and chemical changes in it. for example the coagulation temperature of white part of egg is 60℃ and yellow part of egg is 65℃ and the full coagulation of the whole is 70℃. so when you try to cook the cold egg, the temperature of the egg is less like 5-6℃. so when you make fried egg, you white egg will be cooked, but the yolk part takes little longer than actual timing and in this case, you egg part is getting cook in the process of warming yolk part. In term of cooking egg yolk, your white part still getting cook and over cook.

4. The heat should be medium to low for cooking sunny side up and the temperature of the cooking surface should be 160 - 180℃. Don't fried the egg in a high temperature, if you fry egg in a high temperature white part is coagulated sooner and egg yolk takes longer, as a result white parts getting over cook in the process of cooking yolk. The another reason not to fry egg on a high heat, when egg come into contact with a sizzling pan on high heat, the white parts of egg bubble up and the bottom surface of egg white is easily gets brown to dark and crunchy, but the rest of the white part and the yolk is still raw to the high percent, so temperature of the cooking surface is important too.

6. In the kitchen, we have tin cooking oil and also spray oil, but use a tin oil rather than spray oil if it is still a same name of oil because if the smoking temperature of sunflower oil is 400-500℃. The smoking temperature of sunflower spray oil is less than actual temperature point due to containing of other additives and chemicals. Food additives is a substance which are added into the food to maintain the safety, texture, taste, smell and appearance.  Generally, spray oil is not designed for cooking, it is just put in the market for convenience. spray oil is flammable, don't use near the flame. The spray oil is for greasing only like cake tins to stop the sticking. overall, use a tin oil for cooking and spray oil just for spraying over the tray to prevent the food from sticking. Don't use near the flame, but it is still use for cooking on flat top.

7. The method of frying sunny side up egg, heat the pan and grease the pan with cooking oil and break one egg when oil it eat enough. when until white part is cooked and yolk is warm when touch with finger. In most of the case, when white part is cooked, the yolk is also warm with in a a minutes.

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