How To Strain The Dirty Cooking Oil and Reusing

Cooking Oil which are used for frying foods has a high smoking point so that oil don't get burnt soon and can be used many times for frying foods. fry food which has bread crumb make the oil dirty faster than frying batter food. if we used the dirty oil for frying the food, as a result cold food when you put into the hot oil absorb all dirty oil which the the outer layer of the food brownies and blackish instead of golden brown. so when oil is already used 3-4 times, always strain it and can be used one more time for frying foods because used oil can be clean by straining to the some extent.

Culinarian Techniques
In the commercial kitchen, chef has a smart techniques to strain the used oil to use one more time.

1. Make sure hot oil is in the room temperature before starting straining the dirty cooking oil. Don't try with hot, it can causes the hazardous accident in the kitchen 

dirty oil

2. Take a required container and put strainer or China cap. you can use any strainer, but must be have fine hole.

strain the oil

3. Now, use a blue chuck to cover the strainer. make a 2 layers of blue chuck to prevent minutes particles pass through the strainer. you can use tea cloth instead of chuck, but tea cloth is expensive as compare to blue chuck and you need to be wash after using, so best option is to use blue chuck and through in the bin after using.

frying oil gets dirty quickly, but there is a way to clean the dirty oil to the some extend

4. Now, pour the dirty oil gradually into the strainer.

oil straining

5. when it is finished, cover it and refill the fryer as required. The simple and useful culinarian techniques for the beginner chef.

  • Blue chuck: Blue means a blue color and the chuck means through, so blue chucks means a blue clothes which can through after use.


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