''A Culinarian's Guide to Serrated Knife In Food Preparation''

Serrated knife is defined as those knife which has sharp teeth in the blade in place of plain sharpen blade. It comes in different shape and size. The big size of serrated knife is often use to slice the bread which is also known as bread knife. The culinarian uses of serrated knife is to cut and slice those foods which has a hard surface | hard out cover or layer and softer or tender from the inside. The simple example is bread which crust is hard in texture and soft and spongy from inside. incase of bread, you must be used serrated knife to get a fine slice of bread. However you can use both serrated and plain sharpen knife to cut other items expect bread.

beside bread, Serrated knife can be used for slicing other foods items  which has hard crunchy texture from outside and soft and delicate from inside. you try to slice some foods with serrated knife makes your cutting works easy as compare to using plain sharpen blade. The some fruits and vegetables try to use serrated knife to cut them are tomatoes and lemons.

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Content Writer : Chef BBS


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