Key Words - Kitchen, Personal and Food Hygiene and Safety

1 food tolerance
Food tolerance is related to digestive problem that occur after a certain food is eaten. It is occurred when food has a chemical reaction to eating certain food or drink. Diarrhea, gas and bloating, heartburn, nausea, stomach pain and upset are the common symptoms can be seen during food tolerance.

2 Food Allergy
food allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to certain protein in food. Food allergy reaction is mild to life threatening symptoms. The common food allergy symptoms is hives and lips swelling and life- threatening symptoms is often called anaphylaxis that might be involved fatal respiratory health problem and shock. food allergy is more dangerous than food tolerance. the certain example of food allergy are nuts, soya and milk. some people have gluten-free food because they have a food allergy with gluten.

3 Trigger food
Trigger food is defined as a specific food that highly filled with sugar, salt and unhealthy fat such as cream, cookies, chips, French fries, nuts, soft drinks and so on. trigger food has more calories because it contains highly with sugar, salt, and unhealthy fat. The actual definition of trigger food is defined as those food when eaten make you crave and possibly eat more. These foods are generally consumed not necessarily hunger and out of habit because of feel addicted to it. this kinds of foods are high in calories and lead you toward the health problems such as obesity, diabetes and so on because of containing more sugar, salt and unhealthy fat. for example, some people have a habits to eat many burgers in a day and also eat without good hunger just because of habit and addicted to this food.

4  food safety
'Culinarian definition 'food safety involves the proper storing, handling and preparing of foods to reduce the spread of microorganism and risk of becoming sick, food poisoning or causes illness in people who eat you prepared food.

5 food safety programs
food safety programs is a safety program which are related to food commodities which involves the training and practice of proper storing, handling and preparing of foods to reduce the spread of microorganism and risk of becoming sick, food poisoning or causes illness.

6 contaminant and contamination
Any biological, physical and chemical agent or substance that makes foods harmful for the human consuming such as washing liquid, hair and so on. when washing dish is contaminated [comes in contact] with food and make it unhygienic to consume is known as food contamination.

7 substance
In culinary field, substance is a physicals, chemical and biologicals material and things such as hair, metal, powder, gas, liquid and food commodities.

8 food safety hazard
food safety hazard is defined as any substance with the potential to causes harmful impact on health.

9 Hazard
Hazard is known as dangerous and harmful.

10 Food hazard
food that harm to eat because of contamination is known as food hazard.

11 Hazardous food
hazardous food are those foods which must be kept at the particular temperature to minimize the growth of microorganism that may be in the food and to held the formation of toxin in the foods. the hazardous foods are meat, poultry, milk, eggs, cooked and uncooked foods. hazardous food is also known as high - risk foods.

12 food spoilage
The condition of foods which is not edible to eat because of out of date and rotten.

13 Hygiene
The practices of maintain the health and preventing the disease through good cleaning.

14 food hygiene
The process which involves the proper storing, cooking and preparing of foods to avoid food contamination that cause food poisoning. The another definition of food hygiene is defined as the process of maintain the safety of foods through proper storing, cooking and preparing to avoid possible food contamination such as physical, biological and chemical contamination.

15 food
Any animals and plant base things that are edible called food such as vegetables, meat, fruits and so on.

16 food commodities
it includes the food and beverage such as water, juice and so on.

17 Storage
keep somethings in their place is knowns as storage such as cold food in cold place hot food in hot place, high risk food in fridge or freezer.

18 Temperature
The degree of hotness and coldness in a numerical scale such as Celsius, Fahrenheit is known as temperature.

19 food Thermometer
A device which is used for measuring the internal temperature of the foods is known as food thermometer.

20 physical hazard
An agent, foreign materials, factor and circumstance that are harmful or dangerous to the consumer | people when they comes in contact is known as physical hazard. physical hazard can be slips, falls, exposure to loud noise, working from height, improper use of electrical machine, heat, burn during cooking and so on. chemical hazard harms the human being when consume foods contacted with chemicals. similarly, physical hazards harm the human being with the circumstance such as slip on floor, burn from fire, fall from height.

21 Biological hazard
Biologicals substance that harms[pose a threat] to the health of living beings is knowns as biological hazard. it is also known as biohazards. The source of biological hazard are included bacteria, viruses, insects, plants, birds, animals and humans.

22 chemical hazard
According to the culinary art definition. chemical hazard is defined as any chemical substance such as washing liquid, bleach, detergent that can cause a health problems when you intake.

23 microorganism
An organism that can be seen only through a microscope. it includes bacteria, fungi, algae and protozoa.

24 Bacteria
Bacteria are small single celled organism which are found almost everywhere on earth and are vital for the earth ecosystem. some bacteria are good and healthy some are bad, unhealthy and harmful.

25 Danger hazard
Danger hazard means anything that can be the caused of harm.

26 Food Danger zone
Danger zone is the temperature of the environment and food where bacteria started to grown faster. The danger zone is between 6-63℃.

27 Thaw | Thawing
Bring the temperature of the frozen food into room temperature is called thaw and the process is called thawing.

28 food temperature
The hotness and coldness of food is known as food temperature.

29 22/4 rules
Less than 2 hours, the food can be put in the room temperature and can be used or put back in the refrigerator for later. Between 2 - 4 hours, the food can still be used, can't be put in the refrigerate for late use and 4 hours or longer, the food must be thrown out.

Culinarian Institute is a free online learning platform which share you all the basic to advance culinary arts information that lend a hand to be a professional chef in future.

Content Writer : Chef BBS


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