Understanding The Difference Among Trigger Food, Rich Food, creamy food , Staple Food, crispy And Crunchy food

The trigger food, rich food, creamy food, staple food, crispy food and crunchy food all are almost same food but it is differentiated with the method of cooking and ingredients used to make it.

Trigger food
Trigger food is defined as a specific food that highly filled with sugar, salt and unhealthy fat such as cream, cookies, chips, French fries, nuts, soft drinks and so on. trigger food has more calories because it contains highly with sugar, salt, and unhealthy fat. The actual definition of trigger food is defined as those food when eaten make you crave and possibly eat more. These foods are generally consumed not necessarily hunger and out of habit because of feel addicted to it. this kinds of foods are high in calories and lead you toward the health problems such as obesity, diabetes and so on. for example, some people have a habits to eat many burgers in a day and also eat without good hunger just because of habit and addicted to this food.

Staple Food
Those food which are eaten every day or regularly as a main food is known as staple food. The all example of staple food is vegetables, legume, meat, poultry and grains. The staple food is different according to the country, place, region and culture. for example the staple food of India and Nepal are rice, lentils, vegetables, fruits and meat. similarly, the staple food of western country are meat, vegetables and starch. The staple food of Italy is pasta.

Rich Food
The food which are prepared by adding | using high calorie ingredients such as cream, butter, sugar, oils and so on are known as rich food. In other word, food which contains more amount of butter, cream, oil or sugar is known as rich food. The expensive food doesn't make the food rich. It means rich food is not referring to its cost. However , It is truth that rich food are little bit costly because the price of ingredients like butter and cream are expensive.

Creamy food
The food which are prepared by adding | using adequate amount of dairy product such as cream, milk, butter and yoghurt are known as creamy food. you can also use the word 'creamy food' with any food which has creamy texture such as cream of mushroom soup ( It is not used cream to make the soup cream of mushroom, it's all about its creamy texture). sometimes the creamy food is also called rich foods because of the ingredients are used is same and vice-versa.

crispy food
A food that emits high-pitched sound upon breaking or teeth . crispy food are basically firm, dry and brittle texture. food such as chips and Kurkure . This word is also used with the fried food such as crispy fried chicken and so on.

crunchy Food
A food that emits low-pitched sound upon breaking or teeth . crunchy food are basically raw vegetables and fruits such as carrot, radish, apple and so on. crunchy food are tender and brittle, which means food are hard but easily broken .

Content Writer : Chef BBS


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