"Mastering the Art of Simmering Liquids: A Step-by-Step Guide"

Simmering is the moist heat medium of cooking in which food is submerged in the hot liquid t for the purpose of precooked or partly cook. The temperature of simmering is 85-95℃.

There are some Dish and method of cooking which are required poaching and simmering temperature such as water for the poach egg and simmering the sauce, soup and stock. In this case, The best thing is first reach the temperature of the liquid in the boiling level and then down the heat to maintain the required temperature.

For example, you are going to make a stock and it should be made in the simmering temperature, so first bring a one quick boil and slow the heat to get the simmering temperature. if you don't follow this culinary rules and you just wait for the simmering and poaching temperature from the beginning, then its take too longer, especially, if you are making in the big quantity so, the best cooking technique is first bring one quick boil and then slow down the heat and maintain the temperature of the liquid.

Culinarian Institute is a free online learning platform which share you all the basic to advance culinary arts information that lend a hand to be a professional chef in future.

Content Writer : Chef BBS


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