"How to Poach an Egg Perfectly: A Step-by-Step Guide"

Poached egg is defined as dish prepared from moist heat method of cooking in which egg is cooked by submerging in the hot water at poaching temperature of 75-85℃. The white part of the poached egg should be cooked and yolk part should be runny from the inside. it means when you cut the yolk parts, it should be runny.

Culinarian Techniques
1. Take a fresh egg for poaching egg because fresh egg has thicken egg white and round firm egg yolk, but stale one has runny albumen and delicate yolk so when you drop into the water, it separate in the water. Egg should be at room temperature before poaching egg. The changing in the level of temperature can ruin the egg.

2. Egg should be poached at poaching temperature at of 75-85℃. The timing of poaching egg is depend on the different level of poaching egg. soft poached egg, medium poached egg and Hard poached egg. Soft poached Egg, The white part of the soft poached egg should be soft or half cooked and egg yolk should be slightly firm from the outside and completed runny from the inside. soft poached egg timing is around 2 minutes.

3. Medium Poached Egg, The medium poached means white part is cooked, but egg yolk little runny. It takes around 3 minutes.

4. Hard Poached Egg, The hard poached egg means well done poached egg and it takes more then 3 minutes such as 4-5 minutes. The both white and yolk part should be completely cooked.

5. The most important tools for poaching egg is slotted spoon to take out the poached egg from the pot.

6. The ingredients used for poaching egg are water, vinegar and salt. Water level must be cover the egg and vinegar and salt is added into the water. you can add vinegar and salt into the water and let it to bring into the poaching temperature or you can add just before poaching egg, but best to add at first so as it is diluted properly into the water. The purpose of adding salt is just for adding taste into the egg, which is optional ingredients. The purpose of adding vinegar is to help to coagulate the egg white (mostly protein ) faster and prevent the egg from separating and get a nice shape. It is must be kept in mind that adding more vinegar into the water can make your egg sour, so be careful while adding vinegar into the water. There is no any exact ratio of water and vinegar because there are many verities of vinegar, some are soft and some are hard. so add that much in the water that there will be so less vinegar taste in the water.

7. Egg should be poached without covering with lid. if you cover the pot, the temperature of the water is raise and you will not get perfect poached egg. The temperature of the water should be at poaching Degree because Boiling temperature can spread the egg white and yolk and simmering water make the poached egg well done quickly. low temperature can mess the shape of the egg whites and chances to break and spread the albumen.

8. The poaching temperature is 75-85℃. you can check the temperature of the liquid from food thermometer and the culinarian technique is too see the bubbles in the water, which is also the temperature indication for the poaching.

9. Always drop the egg from the close to the water as much you can, not from the high. Dropping egg close to the water, gets a good shape poached egg.

10. The cooking timing of the poached egg can be up and down because it also depends on the size of egg. As you know the timing for the perfect poaching egg is around 2 minutes, but poach the egg less than 2 minutes because it is still in the cooking process when we take out and platting on the plate.

11. There are two method of poaching egg. one is in a stable water and second is whirlpool water. 
whirlpool water means, rotating the water into the circular motion from spoon or ladle before poaching egg. It means add the egg into the center of rotating water. However, it is not a good method of poaching egg, especially, you have many orders because second time you can rotate the water for poaching egg, if first egg is still poaching in the water. stable water poaching egg is best and chef use this method of poaching egg in the commercial kitchen because they have to keep poaching the egg during the breakfast. There is no need to play with the water, just add egg into the poaching temperature water.

12. When you add water, Don't forget to add vinegar again.

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Content Writer : Chef BBS


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