The Most Useful Dictionary Words Using While Working In Commercial Kitchen

Here, I have share all those word meaning which are used or can be used while working in the commercial kitchen. It is so good to know the dictionary words related to commercial kitchen which assist to vast your communication with the chef.

1. Top up : Fill something in container or bottle such as fill the bottle with the oil.
2. Take out : Remove from the inside such as take out the tray from the oven. 
3. Grab : Take something such as grab the juice bottle | caught somethings.
4. Hold : Take or keep something in your hand such has holding food in your hand just like in the picture.
4. wrap : put paper or cloth around the food as a cover.
5. Mash : Crush something until it is soft such as mashed potatoes.
6. Rub : put the ingredients on the food such as rub the oil on the meat or break the dried ingredient form the two palm.
7. Knead : To press and squeeze the mixture of flour and water with your hands to make a soft dough.
8. Stir : To move a liquid or ingredients round and round, using a spoon.
9. Toss : Cook the ingredients by flipping the pan to mix the ingredients.
10. keep aside : It means bring out the food from the cooking pan and put it into the required container and keep for next step of preparation. 
11. pour : Take out the liquid food from the cooking pot and put into the container. The word pour is only used with liquid foods.
12. Transfer : Taking food out from the cooking pot or container  and put into an a other container. The word transfer is used with both solid and liquid food.
13. Peel : Removing the skin of the fruits, vegetables are knowns as peeling. The other words are skin off, skin and peel off.

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