Different Between Rich Food And Creamy Food

Rich Food
The food which are prepared by adding | using high calorie ingredients such as cream, butter, sugar, oils and so on are known as rich food. In other word, food which contains more amount of butter, cream, oil or sugar is known as rich food. The expensive food doesn't make the food rich. It means rich food is not referring to its cost. However , It is truth that rich food are little bit costly because the price of ingredients like butter and cream are expensive.

Creamy food
The food which are prepared by adding | using adequate amount of dairy product such as cream, milk, butter and yoghurt are known as creamy food. you can also use the word 'creamy food' with any food which has creamy texture such as cream of mushroom soup ( It is not used cream to make the soup cream of mushroom, it's all about its creamy texture). sometimes the creamy food is also called rich foods because of the ingredients are used is same and vice-versa.

Creamy texture : The food which makes you feel like cream or cream based when you eat, see or touch.

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