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The common word for all the outer layer of the vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seed, spices are skin, but boost your culinary knowledge by learning the different words for different food .

vegetables : The outer part of the vegetable is skin. It is also known as rind or peel. The vegetables are tomato, potato, pumpkin, brinjal, bottle gourd and so on . some of the vegetable whose skin can't be peel, but scrape such as bitter gourd .

legume : The outer part of the legume is  pod It is also known as seedpod. legume produce pods with seed inside such as green pea, French beans, okra and so on are  .

fruits : The outer skin of a fruit is called exocarp. It is also known as epicarp and  flavedo in case of  citrus fruit. The fruits are banana, mango, avocado, strawberry, grapes  .

citrus fruit : The colored outer part of  citrus fruit  is zest It is also known as flavedo, epicarp . The citrus fruits are lemon, orange, sweet lemon, grape fruits .

Nuts : The outer hard part of the nuts are called shellsome nuts are walnut, almond, coconut, peanut, pistachio . 

GrainsThe outer  layer of grains are husk . husk is especially the dried outside part of nuts, fruits and seed of grains  . It is also called shell and hull .

seed : The outer  layer of seeds are husk . husk is  the dried outside part of seed . The seeds are gram, kidney beans, dried pea .

green seed : The outer layer of dried seed such as gram, beans are known as husk, but the outer layer of green seed is called seed coat, which is also known as testa . you can also used with outer cover of seed .

Egg :  The outer hard part of the egg is shell .

shellfish : The outer covering that protect the body of shellfish is called shell . some shellfish are oyster, calm, mussel, lobster .

spicesThe outer cover of the spices is called pod and skin too. spices which is covered with skin such as skin of cardamom or cardamom pod .

Image credit : Thanks to and for such as beautiful images .

shell : The hard covering that protects egg, nuts and shellfish are called shell .
husk : It is a dried outside layer of the nuts, fruits and seeds, especially of grains . 

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