Easy Fluffy Pancakes Recipe: Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide

A pancake is a flat cake. it is often thin & round, prepared from batter which is consist of refined flour, egg, milk, baking powder and so on. it is cooked on griddle or non-sticky pan. pancake is also known as hotcake, griddle cake & flapjack cake. The popular way of eating pancakes is by spreading butter on the top pancake and then pouring syrup all over the stack. instead of butter you can use margarine, nut butter , coconut oil. some of the most common syrups are corn, maple or pancake syrup. you can also used rice and honey syrup .

  • Refined flour                       1 cup (120 gm)
  • Milk                                    100 ml
  • Egg                                      1 pc
  • vanilla essence                    2 ml
  • Baking powder                    6 gm
  • cinnamon powder                2 gm
  • Sugar powder                      20 gm
  • Salt                                      5 gm
  • Butter                                   for cooking
Equipment Required 
Non-sticky pan, ladle, bowl and whisk are required during the preparation. Tooth pick or any long-thin thing can be used to check the doneness of pancake.

Preparation Technique
  1. Take a large & clean bowl and add refined flour, milk & egg and mix properly with the help of whish.   
  2. Add all rest of the ingredients except cooking oil/butter & again whish and make slightly thick    batter.                                                                                                                                    
  3. Heat the non-sticky pan in a medium flame and then grease the pan with oil or butter and   pour the batter by using small ladle to get perfect round shape.                                    
  4. cook in a medium flame until both side turn into golden color .  
Culinarian Notes 
  • The pan cake batter should not be thin or more thick, it should be thick enough to still pourable. Take a spoon and coat the batter, if the spoon is double - coated with the batter, it is a right consistency.
  • you can use honey instead of sugar, which gives the spectacular color & taste.
  • Check your pancake that it is cooked or not, just insert the tooth pick in your pancake and and see if  
  • tooth pick is clear, no any mixer on it then your pancake is ready & vice-versa. 
  • The perfect size of pancake is approximately 4 inches across, the diameter of a generously sized orange.  

fresh fruits such as apple, strawberries, Dried nuts such a walnut, cashew, almond and also butter, whipped cream can be used for platting the pancake. syrup such as maple, chocolate, honey or pan cake syrup can drizzling over the pan cake and leaves of mint on the top as garnishing. 

pancake syrup, butter, whipped cream and diced fruits can be given as a side food with pancake.


Food Platting
It is used full or half size plate for platting pancakes depend on how much garnishing is added such as fruits, chocolate and sauce . There are some beautiful pictures of pancakes platting . 


Batter : It is a mixture of flour, egg & milk used to cover food such as fish, vegetables, etc. before frying them or to make 
syrup : is a thick sweet liquid often prepare by boiling sugar with water or fruit, sometimes flavoring agents are used to give the flavor .
Margarine : is a food that is similar to butter, which is made from vegetables or animals fats .
Whipped cream : is a cream, often sweetened & sometimes flavored with vanilla essence made by skimming the high-fat cream from fresh dairy milk .

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Content Writer : Chef BBS



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