The Mastering Class On Stock: A Comprehensive Culinary Course

Stock is defined as nutritious, flavor-full and unseasoned thin liquid which is made from vegetables, seafood items or discarded and cartilage bone  such as fish, chicken, mutton, lamb, veal, beef and game items . It is flavored by adding mirepoix which is consist of diced vegetables of carrot, onion and celery and herbs and spices  are also used for flavoring  . Basically, stock is simmered in sufficient water to cover the bones for 25 mins to 6 hours .  stock is used as foundation for sauces, soups, gravies and so on . In other word, stock is a base of soup, sauces, gravies, stewing, braising . stock is also called the foundation of continental cuisine . In French term, stock is called fond, which comes from the word 'foundation' . fond provides the foundation for many culinary preparation . The type of stock can be named by the ingredient used for example chicken stock is prepared by chicken bone, similarly beef stock is prepared by beef bones .
cuisine : continental cuisine
Country : French 

1. Tips To Produce Good Quality of Stock 
  • stocks are cooked by using simmering method . Do not try to boil it to extract the flavor because boiling allowed liquid to evaporate and goes cloudy as a result, stock will be bitter and have off flavor . scum should be removed from time to time during simmering or else it will make the stock cloudy , spoil the color and taste too . During simmering, the stock pot shouldn't  cover  with the lid  otherwise stock will evaporate and go cloudy 
  • stock should not be seasoned . 
  •  It is essential to used proper ratio of vegetables , herbs and spices to get excess flavor . Always use fresh mirepoix, herbs & spices  to get strong aromatic flavor . Besides mirepoix,  other flavoring vegetables can be used such as turnip, parsnip, leek, celery root, and mushrooms . The less desirable part of the veggies that may not be eaten can be also used such as skin of the carrot, celery cores and leaves, but it depends upon the chef .The vegetables are cut into small size that will allow for good flavoring extraction .The size of the mirepoix will also depends upon the cooking duration such as use small size of vegetable with short cooking process and use large piece or left whole with long process . The small size of vegetables infuse their flavor quickly, on the other hand, large one takes time to extract their aromatic flavor .
  • garlic clove and pepper corn are common in stock, you can use whole or crushed garlic , but always use whole pepper corn because crushed corn might better the stock when it is simmering long time . 
  • Herbs might be added in the stock near the end of cooking for more distinct flavor or at the starting for more blended flavors , It is said that, ground spices & herbs release their aromatic flavor easily, but whole spices  release their flavor slowly than ground one . 
  • In term of bone, always use fresh and younger animals bone for more flavor-full stock. The best part of the bones are joint bone, cartilage bone, marrow bone and discarded bone . cartilage and bone marrow has collagen , it is a gluten-free gelatin that helps to thicken the stock and make it more flavor-full when it is heat & dissolved in the liquid . 
  • for fish stock, white fish is best to make fish stock because it has less amount of fat. The fish includes cod, bass and snappers . Don't use oily fish to make fish stock because oily fish has more fat that make the stock oily and greasy . The fish includes mackerels. The best part of fish for stock are head, tail, rib and spines of mild and non-oily fish .
  • Add bone in cold water because albumin which is a type of protein ,found in bone, release in cold water and helps to clarify the stock . 
  • white mirepoix or light color vegetables are used to prepare white stock such as onion, celery root , parsnip and turnip, mushroom because it does not impact on the color of the stock . 
  • Herbs and spices must be used fresh to get strong aromatic flavor . while making a white stock, always add sachet d'epices and bouquet garni at the beginning or at the end of the cooking just for 30 mins because it can change the color of white stock . 
  • Brown stock, first brown the bone with little oil and separately brown the mirepoix because the cooking timing is different so if you brown together, it is more likely to be burnt the vegetable . vegetable stock might be brown or white, it depends upon the vegetables are used . 
2. Discuss About Ingredients Used In Stock
Stocks are prepared with a few basic ingredients including mirepoix, herbs and spices, bones and liquid. preparing any kinds of stocks are not the rocket science, if you have all informative information regarding it .    

mirepoix is a roughly cut of vegetables which is consist of onion, carrot & celery . sometimes other flavoring vegetables are used such as turnip, parsnip, leeks . often the less desirable part of the veggies that may not be eaten are used such as skin of the carrot, celery cores and leaves . it is actually depend upon the chefs . onion, celery and carrot are the most often used. the vegetables are trimmed and cut into small size that will allow for good flavoring extraction . The purpose of using mirepoix is  to added flavor into stocks, sauces, braises and stew . The size of the mirepoix will depends upon the cooking duration such as fish fumet, the mirepoix must be sliced or chopped small because fish stock takes around 25 mins to be prepared , therefore small cuts of mirepoix infuses the liquid  . for preparation with more than an hours of cooking time such as brown stock, white stock, the vegetables may be cut into large pieces or even left whole. other ingredients may be included into mirepoix depending on the requirement for certain recipe like leeks are often used in place of all or part of the onion, other root vegetables such as parsnip, can be used in addition to or in place of carrot. Bacon and ham are also sometimes included . Mirepoix can be added at the starting or end of the preparation process, depending upon stock . In white stock, the mirepoix is added at the end of the process of preparation for a fresher flavor. In brown stock, vegetable is roasted with the bone .  stock is also called the foundation of Continental cuisine. There are different French terms are used for stock including ; fond, broth, bouillon, fumet and Nage .The standard ratio of the mirepoix is 50% onion, 25% carrot, 25% celery stalk. The below image credit to .

White mirepoix 
white mirepoix ( mirepoix blanc )  is used for white stock . It is prepared from  lightly color vegetables to add aroma and flavor to the dish without impacting the color of the dish. In white mirepoix, equal quantity of onion, parsnip & celery root are used to prepare white mirepoix . some chefs also use  mushroom, turnip  in same quantity . white mirepoix is considered the Light color aromatic vegetables such as onion, celery root, parsnip, turnip, mushroom, nit use carrot and celery stalks because that change the color .  The below image credit to

matignon is a edible mirepoix, it is  served as part of the finished dish . The vegetables are peeled and cut into uniform dice. Matignon  is consist of equal quantity of onion, carrot, celery stalk , mushrooms and ham . Sometimes bacons is used as a substitute for ham .  

Chef notes 
The purpose of using mirepoix is  to added flavor into stocks, sauces, braises and stew .
⦁  mirepoix must be used fresh to get strong aromatic flavor .
⦁ sometimes other flavoring vegetables are used such as turnip, parsnip, leeks, celery root, and mushrooms 
⦁ often the less desirable part of the veggies that may not be eaten are used such as skin of the carrot, celery cores and leaves, but it depends upon the chef .
 thvegetables are cut into small size that will allow for good flavoring extraction . 
The size of the mirepoix will depends upon the cooking duration such as fish fumet, the mirepoix must be sliced or chopped small because fish stock takes around 25 mins to be prepared , therefore small cuts of mirepoix infuses the liquid  . for preparation with more than an hours of cooking time such as brown stock, white stock, the vegetables may be cut into large pieces or even left whole. 
white mirepoix or light color vegetables are used to prepare white stock such as onion, celery root , parsnip and turnip because it does not impact on the color of the stock .                            

carrot is substitute for parsnip and turnip. similarly, celery stalk for celery root, leek and spring onion with garlic and onion, ham is substitue for bacon .

Herbs & Spices 
sachet D'spices 
It is a small sack of herbs & spices tied into a cheesecloth like a tea bag. In traditional way , It contains pepper corns, garlic cloves, spring thyme , parsley stems and bay leaf. Basically , it is prepared from dried herbs and spices, but fresh one can also be added. The purpose of using sachet d'spices is to infuse the delicious flavor into a liquid or dishes and are then removed after the completion of cooking process .

 Boquet garni                                                                                                             Bouquet garni, French for 'garnished bouquet' is a classic mixture of herbs which is used for preparing stocks, soups, meats, vegetables and casseroles . It is a bundle of fresh herbs which is tied together with cooking twine . There is no generic recipe for boquet garni, but the traditional combination and  most of the French recipe includes thyme, parsley and bay leaf. It may also find which is  included basil, burnet, leeks, rosemary, savory, tarragon, oregano, chervil, peppercorns . The purpose of using Bouquet garni is to infuse the delicious flavor into a liquid or dishes and are then removed after the completion of cooking process .  The below image credit to 

Chef notes 
  • The purpose of using herbs and spices in stock is to extract the flavor into it and make the stock flavorful .
  • Herbs and spices must be used fresh to get strong aromatic flavor  .
  • Always add sachet d'epices and bouquet garni at the beginning or at the end of the cooking just for 30 mins because it can change the color of white stock .
  • pepper corns and garlic cloves are most common, often use with bouquet garni and sachet d;spice, but always use whole black pepper  because crushed one might bitter the taste of stock and make it little bit blackish .
  • There is no any ratio  of using herbs to bone and water , you just add according to how much water is added .

Bone is defined as substance that forms skeleton of the body. It is consist of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate . It has many functions, they support the body structurally, protect our vital organs and allow us to move. they also provide an environment for bone marrow, where the blood cells are created and act as a storage for minerals, particularly calcium .There are 4 types of bone that are long bone which has long and thin shape . It include the bones of the arms and legs (excluding the wrists, ankles and kneecaps) and short bone which  has squat and cube shape. it include the bones that make up the wrists and the ankles, flat bone which has a flattened and broad surface. it includes ribs, shoulder blades, breast bone and skull bone irregular bone that has a shape that does not conform to the above those three types . it include the bone of spine ( vertebrate ) .
The bone of veal, beef & chicken are common used to prepare stock. Discarded and cartilage bones of animals and poultry are best for stock . The flavor of the stock comes from the cartilage and connective tissue just like bones. connective tissue has collagen in it that gets converted into gelatin which thickens the liquid. stock that made from bones are need to be simmered for a long time than stock made from meat. pressure cooking method is also applied to shorten the time to extract the flavor from the bones . Always use bones from younger animals as they have more cartilage that is rendered into gelatin and giving the nice viscosity in the stock . if you wanna extract the most flavor in the shortest cooking time, so cut the bones into small pieces . It is also considered that the combination of meat and marrow bones gives the stock a rich flavor, but do not forget to trim the fat from the meat as you can .  The below image credit to 

Here, we will learn about the using of bone for producing good stock . The bone are often used for preparing stock are mentioned below .

⦁ Joint bone : The body where two or more bones are met is called joint bone. cartilage covers the surface of a bone at  joint . joint bones is the best for preparing stock because joint bone is covered with the cartilage at the end of the joint and cartilage is consider to be the best for stock because the collagen in the cartilage thickens the liquid and providing flavor . joint bones are found in many areas of the body such as the knees, elbows, ankles, nose, ears, ribs, neck and back bones, feet, knuckle bones .  The below image credit to 

⦁ cartilage : It is found in between the joint of the bone such as the knees, elbows, ankles, nose, ears, ribs, neck and back bones, feet, knuckle bones . cartilage cover the ends of the bone at joint. In stock, we can use almost any bones, but It is best to used cartilage bones for preparing stock because the collagen in the cartilage thickens the liquid and providing flavor . cartilage is an essential  structural component of the body. it is act as supportive framework of the body. cartilage is a soft and flexible connective tissue with living cells arranged in bundles or pairs . it is softer and more flexible than bone .There are three main types of cartilage are elastic cartilage which is found  found in the ear and epiglottis, Fibro cartilage which are found in special pads known as menisci & in the disks between spinal bones and Hyaline cartilage that are  found in the larynx, nose, ribs and trachea .  The below image credit to

⦁ chicken carcass :  The bones and cartilage frame of the chicken after removing all the other parts such as  breast, drumstick, thigh , wings is known as chicken carcass  It is left over skeleton of the chicken. It is also called soup cut . There is usually little amount of meat left on  it but it depend upon the cutting skill of butcher .  The below image credit to

 Discarded Bone : Discarded bones is a leftover, useless and unwanted bone. It is used to prepare stock because certain types of bones are prized, but it is cheap. The below image is the discarded bone of chicken .  The below image credit to 

⦁ marrow bone : 
marrow bone  means bone which has marrow inside it  and bone marrow is the spongy tissue which is found inside the center or middle of most of bones such as our hips and thigh bones . It is found in any kinds of bones, but more found in the long bone . bone marrow has a soft, sponge-like texture and a rich, buttery & meaty flavor . There are two types of  bone marrow that are red and yellow . Red marrow contains blood stem cells that  produce red ,white blood cells and platelets . The function of red blood cells is to carry the oxygen, white blood cells helps to fight with infection and platelets helps for clotting blood . Yellow marrow which is made mostly of fat .  The below image credit to and

Reason of using marrow bone  
1. Bone marrow is full of collagen which helps to  thickens the stock and make more flavor-full when it is cooked and dissolved into liquid. Tt is gluten-free thickening agent .
2. Bone marrow stock is healthy and economical way to build up your immune system and increase the good bacteria in your gut .
3.  Collagen is a kind of protein that is healthy for our hair, skins, nails, bones and joint .
4. Bone marrow makes stem cells, which produce platelets, white and red blood cells . The platelets that helps for clotting blood , The white blood cells that fight infections, make up the body's  immune system and The red blood cells that carry oxygen to our body .
5. marrow provides vitamin A, vitamin K2, minerals like zinci iron, boron, manganese and selenium as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid .

Fish : Bone of the fish are different than other bone like chicken, mutton, beef, veal, therefore we discuss about fish bone separately . The skeleton of fish is either made f White fish bone is used to prepare  fish stock. The bones basically include the head, spines, ribs and tails of mild, non-oily and white flesh fish such as bass, cod and snapper, but you can use bones and heads of any appropriate fish such as tilefish, halibut and cod .  Don't use oily fish because bone of oily-fish such as salmon, mackerel or tuna are too fatty and will make your stock greasy and unpleasant . The fish bones should be cleaned of any blood and gills because these will add nasty, bitter taste and  could up the stock and make bitter in taste .

Chef notes 
⦁The best bone for the any kinds of stock are joint bones, marrow bone, cartilage bone .
⦁ Blanch the bones prior to use for stock because blanching bones assist to rid impurities that causes cloudiness in stock, although some chef feel that blanching process causes flavor to be lost. therefore , it is also suggested to rinse the bones in chill water and then place in a cooking pot and covered with cold water .
⦁ Always add bones with cold water to make stock because certain proteins, most notably albumin will only dissolve in cold water and albumin helps to clarify a stock.  therefore starting a stock with cold water helps release the albumin, producing a clear stock  .

The liquid most often used for making any kinds of stock is water and sometimes remouillage stock is also used to prepare stock. The remouillage is the secondary stock, which is prepared from the bones that already have been used in prepare of stock and other preparation . 

chef note 
⦁ Always use cold water to make stock because certain proteins, most notably albumin will only dissolve in cold water and albumin helps to clarify a stock.  therefore starting a stock with cold water helps release the albumin, producing a clear stock  .

oil and fat 
Actually, oil is not use much in stock or else, stock get oily and greasy, It is used mostly to brown the bone and mirepoix for making brown stock, but use in a small quantity . In case, oil is more in stock, let it cool down and oil is separated from the water and comes on the top and you can remove it . The most common oil & fat are used in stock are olive oil and butter.

Measurement of Bones, water & mirepoix for stock 
There are no any exact and standard ratio of using bones, water and stock, but some experience chefs have given their own thought  about the proportion to produce flavorful stock .
⦁ The basic thumb rule is water should just about cover the bones .
⦁ Here, we make the ratio of 1 kg for better understanding .
Bone : 1 kg
Water : 3 liters
Mire-poix : 250 grams
Boquet garni - 1 Bunch

What are the types of stock & procedure to produce good stock
Actually, stock or fond are 4 types which are mentioned in the below .
white stock ( Fond Blanc )
2. Brown stock ( Fond Brun )
3. Fish stock ( Fond de poisson ) 
4. Vegetable stock ( Fond de legume )

white stock ( Fond Blanc ) 
white stock is  prepared from the combination of white mire-poix, bouquet garni, liquid(water) & bones such as bone of chicken, veal, beef, mutton, game . All the above ingredients are  put into the stock pot and bring to a boil on a high heat & reduce to a simmering point .  There are few types of white stock such as white chicken stock, white Beef stock, white veal stock .  The below image credit to

1. Bones                     1 kg
2.  water                     3 ltr
3. mirepoix                250 gm 
4. Bouquet garni       1 bundle
5. oil                           optional 

method of preparing white chicken stock 
⦁ Cut the bones and wash properly and remove any fats or grease content .
⦁ place the bones in the stock pot and add cold water .
⦁ Bring to a boil on a high heat & reduce to a simmering point .
⦁ skim off the scum and add mirepoix and bouquet garni .
⦁ let the stock to simmer gently for 1 to 2 hours .
⦁ keep skimming off the scum during the whole cooking process .
⦁ strain the stock through muslin cloth, china cap and re-boil it .
⦁ make the stock cool and use as required  .

Note : same ingredinets are used to prepare other kind of white stock, but bones are added as per stock name .

Chef notes 
⦁ pepper corn and garlic can be also added along with bouquet garni for more flavor .
⦁ oil or butter can be used, if you use then add little oil just to slightly sautee the mirepoix .
⦁  The below image credit to

⦁ Brown stock ( Fond Brun ) 
Brown stock is an another type of stock which is prepared from chicken, mutton, veal and games bone . The bone should be first roasted till the golden brown along with the mirepoix and after that cold water is added & let it to simmer for at least 6 hours . The brown stock is used for preparing brown sauces, soups, gravies , stew and braised dishes . There are few types of brown stock are Brown chicken stock, Brown mutton stock, Brown veal stock, Brown game stock .  The below image credit to

1. Bones                     1 kg
2.  water                     3 ltr
3. mirepoix                250 gm 
 4. Bouquet garni       1 bundle
5. Fat/oil

Method of Preparation 
⦁ cut the bones and place it in a roasting tray .
⦁ Roast the bones with little oil until rich brown in an oven .
⦁ Remove the bones and place it into the stock pot .
⦁ Add cold water and bring to a boil on a high heat & reduce to a simmering point .
⦁ skim off the scum .
⦁ Add bouquet garni and fried mirepoix  .
⦁ let the stock to simmer gently for 1 to 2 hours .
⦁ keep skimming off the scum during the whole cooking process .
⦁ strain the stock through muslin cloth, china cap and re-boil it .
⦁ make the stock cool and use as required  .

Chef notes 
pepper corn and garlic can be also added along with bouquet garni for more flavor. 
⦁  The below image credit to

⦁ Fish stock ( Fume de poisson ) 
fish stock is  made from fresh bone of fish , bouquet garni, and water . It is a white stock, however, it is classified separately from other basic stock just beacuse of its limited usage in the dishes .  The below image credit to

1. Bones                     1 kg
2.  water                     3 ltr
3. mirepoix                250 gm 
4. Bouquet garni       1 bundle
 5. Butter
6. white wine 

Method of Preparation 
⦁ Melt the butter in the stock pot and add white wine into it .
⦁ Add mirepoix and allow it to sweat .
⦁ Add fish bones and bouquet garni and cover the lid and allow to stem for 4-5 mins to release the fish juice into the bottom of the pot .
⦁ Add water and let the stock to simmer gently for 20-25 mins . 
⦁ keep skimming off the scum during the whole cooking process .
⦁ strain the stock through muslin cloth, china cap and re-boil it .
⦁ make the stock cool and use as required  .

Chef notes 
⦁ pepper corn and garlic can be also added along with bouquet garni for more flavor .
⦁ White fish bone is uaed to prepare  fish stock such as bass, cod and flat fish .
⦁ Don't use oily fish because bone of oily-fish such as salmon, mackerel or tuna are too fatty and will make your stock greay and unpleasant .
⦁ The fish bones should be cleaned of any blood and gills because these will add nasty, bitter taste and  could up the stock and make bitter in taste .
⦁ To prepare fish stock, the bones basically include the head, spines, ribs and tails of mild, non-oily and white flesh fish . The two most common fishes are snapper and bass, but you can use bones and heads of any appropriate fish such as tilefish, halibut and cod . 
⦁  The below image credit to

Questions and Answer 
⦁ Reason of fish stock got grey 
The clear reson of getting fish stock grey is due to impurites or particles in the stock . stock must be began with cold water and cooked ucovered . Don't boil the stock just simmer it because if stock is boiled, some of the fat will emulsify into the liquid which can make it cloudy .
⦁ Reason of using white fish for fish stock .
White fish are low in fat which makes them healthier  . white fish contain oil only in liver and in much less overall quantiy than oily fish .

⦁ Vegetables stock ( Fond de legume ) 
Vegetable stock is also known as neutral stock ( Fond maigre ), The basic vegetables stock is prepared from onion, celery and carrot. However you can use other veggies such as mushroom, baby corn, cabbage, leek, , cauliflower and so on . if you need white stock then avoid using color changing vegetables such as tomato and other green vegetables . Often, discarded vegetables are used to prepare vegetable stock such as skin of veggies and so on .The vegetables is flavored by adding herbs and spices . vegetables stock is used in vegeterian dishes such as soup, sauces, stew, braising and like that . The vegetable stock use in many chinese and continental dishes .  The below image credit to

1. mirepoix                250 gm 
2. Bouquet garni       1 bundle   
3. water 
4. oil/butter                  ''

Method of Preparation
  • Add little bit oil or butter and sweaten the mirepoix on it .
  • Now, it's time to add bouquet garni and water .
  • Bring to a boil on a high heat & reduce to a simmering point .
  • skim off the scum .
  • let the stock to simmer gently for 1 to 2 hours .
  • keep skimming off the scum during the whole cooking process .
  • strain the stock through muslin cloth, china cap and re-boil it .
  • make the stock cool and use as required  .
Chef notes 
  • pepper corn and garlic can be also added along with bouquet garni for more flavor .
  • The basic vegetables stock is preared from onion, celery and carrot. However you can use other veggies such as mushroom, baby corn, cabbage, leek, dpring onion, cauliflower and so on .
  • if you need white stock then avoid using color changing vegetables such as tomato and other green vegetables . 
  • Oftenl discarded vegetables are used to prepare vegetable stock such as skin of veggies and so on .
  • vegetable stock needs short cooking because flavors is quickly transferred to the water . 
  • The below image credit to

secondary stock 
Remouillage : Remouillage is a French term which means re-wetting. Remouillage is a stock that is made from bones that has already been used to cooked in another food preparation . In other word, Remouillage is a stock prepared by resimmering bones that have already been used to make a stock or other preparation. sometimes, it is used  for water in making another stock or is reduced to make glace . It is also known as secondary stcok . It is a weak stock and less flavorful and strong than that first . The below image credit to

⦁ Difference between stock, broth, bouillon, fond and remouillage 
stock and fond is the same meaning, actually fond is the French word of stock and Broth is a unclear, seasoned, thin soup which is made from stock and garnishing with fine dice cut of vegetable and meat . Bouillon is a clear, seasoned, thin soup which is made from meat and vegetables and those meat and vegetables are remove and cut into small cut and add to the soup as a garnish . Remouillage is a French term which means re-wetting. It is a stock prepared by re-simmering bones that have already been used to make a stock or other preparation. sometimes, it is used  for water in making another stock or is reduced to make glace . It is also known as secondary stcok . It is a weak stock and less flavorful and strong than that first . 

unseasoned : do not flavor the food with salt & pepper .
flavorful : tasty, delicious & savory .
Nutritious : nutritive ( food that are very food for health) .
Game meat : meat of wild animals .
veal : meat of young cow .
veggies : vegetables , veg .
collagen : it is a protein found the body of human & animals such as bones, muscles, skin & tendons : it helps to hold the body together .
scum : layers of dirt or froth on the surface of a liquid .
Aromatic : aromatics refers to the vegetables, herbs, spices and sometimes meat that are used as a flavoring agent in the dish such as mirepoix .
Bone marrow : substance that are found inside the bone .

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